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Cecilia O’Dwyer, IBVM is a member of the Spanish province of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto. Her background is in education, justice promotion and leadership.
After 20 years in formal education, she spent time in provincial and general leadership. She was the “Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation” promoter for her province in the early 2000s and during this time participated in an outreach program to women who were trafficked into prostitution in Madrid. She was a member of the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network in Madrid and of the CONFER Justice and Peace network. She spent some time in Morocco and in 2013 was appointed IBVM Representative to the United Nations. While at the United Nations, she witnessed the introduction of the Sustainable Development Agenda with the 17 goals (SDGs). She was a member of the NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons during her time in New York and participated in UN Vienna in the implementation of the Palermo Protocol and the criminal aspects of Human Trafficking.
Since returning to Spain, she supports the work of the Justice Peace Integrity of Creation office, the Youth Representative for Spain. She contributes to the Laudato Si’ Movement and other interfaith, social and ecological networks.

Love & Speak the Truth podcast is made possible by the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, US Region
Executive Producers: Megan Beutel and Jennifer Schmitz
Sound Track: Laurenti Wright on keyboard

Music Composition of Women Bearing Witness: Maria Bierer, IBVM
All Rights Reserved  2025-26. ™

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