Peg Ivers, IBVM

Entererd Life:  December 15, 1937
Entered Religious Life:  September 8, 1955
Entered Eternal Life:  July 28, 2020

“My vocation is love.”
May she rest in peace.

Sr. Margaret “Peg” Ivers was born in Chicago and entered the IBVM in 1956, a year after graduating from Loretto Englewood. She was the oldest of seven siblings (four sisters and three brothers). She loved her Southside Irish roots and helping others throughout her ministry and life. Sr. Peg (as she is known by many of those who loved her) treasured her family including her many nieces and nephews.

It was evident that she loved learning. She received two Masters’ Degrees, one in Education Administration, and one in Pastoral Studies. But she loved sharing her gifts and supporting the people to whom she ministered even more. While she was principal at St. John Vianney School in Northlake, IL she knew the names of the 1,000 children attending the school. While a campus minister, Margaret loved talking with the students. She later became the Director of Campus Ministry for the Archdiocese of Chicago, followed by becoming the Director of the Campus Ministry Association. While in this position she trained campus ministers throughout the country. After that term of office, Sr. Peg was asked to return to the Archdiocese of Chicago to serve and care for the students at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Later, Sr. Peg’s path took a turn into pastoral ministry in the Joliet Diocese. First, she served at Ascension Parish, Oak Brook Terrace andthen at St. Daniel the Prophet parish, Wheaton. One of the parishioners from Ascension parish wrote a letter about Sr. Peg. He said, “her biggest gift is that she shared all her gifts.” Other friends of hers remarked about her incredible memory and her way of “meeting them where they were, offering guidance, encouragement, and prayer.”

It was at St. Daniel’s parish that her health prevented her from any further labors. Sr. Peg had suffered with her health for many years but had not let her ill health keep her from her work. At this point she simply could not continue.

She retired from active ministry and then moved to Loretto Convent in Wheaton, IL. She lived there for several years until her health and her strength had diminished to the point that she needed additional care. She then moved to St. Patrick’s Residence in Naperville. Sr. Peg continued to speak on the phone with friends and loved ones and attend as many IBVM gatherings as she could.

Sr. Peg is buried in the IBVM plot in Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Chicago.

–from the IBVM Book of Life Archives written by Cindy Langlois, IBVM, edited by Anne Delaney