Safety, belonging, support, hope. As a student walks through the doors of the Mary Ward Center (MWC), these are the feelings they soon discover. IBVM founder, Mary Ward’s, charism and spirit come alive at MWC through the hands of those that work and volunteer. Educational opportunities await those seeking ESL, computer skills, citizenship, GEDs and jobs, but the true reward is found within this irreplaceable community.
Directly Support Mary Ward Center
- MWC Scholarship Fund
Many of MWC’s students face complex struggles and do not have the means or ability to pay even partial tuition. The MWC Scholarship Fund is an integral part of giving those students a real chance to learn, grow, and realize their potential. Donations to the fund provide direct, meaningful, and lasting impacts to students in all facets of their lives, helping bring needed stability. Your donation gives tangible hope and makes a difference.
($100 sponsors one MWC Student)
- MWC Sr. Rosemary Lynch Library Fund
Whether learning English to pass a test, apply for a job or read their child a bedtime story, books serve a crucial role in aiding MWC students on their educational ESL journey. The Sr. Rosemary Lynch Library provides an opportunity for students to take home books to continue practicing reading skills and advance their reading level. Your donation gifts a new story to share.
- MWC Computer/Technology Fund
Computer classes allow MWC students to learn at their own pace using programs such as Rosetta Stone and Microsoft Office, as well as mastering typing and internet skills. Additional computers and software will give MWC the opportunity to add more students per class and provide more computer time for all MWC students. Your donation helps MWC touch more lives.