Ours is an apostolic community whose focus is mission. We are a community for dispersion, inserted in the local culture, ready to go wherever we are sent.
– IBVM Constitutions Vol II 3.18

We Are Global!
IBVM Sisters have journeyed to all corners of the earth. Committed to going where the need is greatest, they now minister in 24 countries on five continents. The Institute is organized into 11 Provinces with the Generalate offices, Casa Loreto, in Rome Italy.
While education is the cornerstone of their work, you will also find Loretto Sisters:
Ministering in the slums of eastern Africa
Resettling refugees in Ireland
Ministering to victims of human trafficking in Albania
Organizing health campaigns for the poor in Peru
Providing vocational training to young women in India
Providing literacy training to women in rural Morocco
Ministering to HIV/Aids orphans in Kenya