One hour a week can make a big difference to an adult who wants to learn English.

The MWC Needs You!
Your role in this ministry is so very important. As an instructor, you will be helping adult students to continue their educational growth, and at the same time you will be building relationships with students and staff. You will be enriching the lives of the students through this ministry but you will also enrich your own life by embracing the virtues of Mary Ward and answering the call to help others who may not have the same opportunities. We have students waiting for you! The staff will provide ESL training and materials. No teaching experience or Spanish is required.
New volunteers are welcomed anytime of the year.
To learn more about the volunteer experience at MWC call Marianne or Concepcion at 773-734-2420.
We are following CDC Guidelines for the safety of students and staff during Covid-19.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it necessary to speak Spanish?
No! The most important quality you can bring is your desire to help a person learn English.
What type of commitment are you looking for?
We ask that each MWC volunteer commit to teaching at least one student, for one hour, once a week. A volunteer is welcome to teach more than one student but each student is taught individually in a weekly one hour session. New volunteers are welcome to begin anytime during the year.
Where are the classes held?
Classes are held at Mary Ward Center located at 3215 E. 91st Street, Chicago, IL.
I’m not a teacher, can I still volunteer?
Yes! The most important gift you can bring is your desire to help an individual learn English. It is also important that you participate in a training course to teach ESL and committed to preparing weekly lessons. Previous teaching experience is not required.
Is there any training?
A tutor orientation/training will be arranged prior to your first class to help you become familiar with MWC, staff, and resources. Mary Ward Center staff is available to offer additional assiantance and support.
What materials do I need to teach ESL?
Mary Ward Center provides a variety of instructional materials which are designed for adult students learning English. There are books, worksheets, and teaching tips available to assist you in teaching English. Other experienced tutors are also wonderful resources that are available to assist you.
Can I come visit MWC?
Yes! Please call Marianne or Concepcion at 773-734-2420. They would love to schedule a time to show you around.
More Questions?
We are available to answer any other questions you may have. Please call us at 773-734 -2420.
Mary Ward Center 3215 E 91st Street, Chicago, Illinois 60617 773 734 2420 Contact Us