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Arlene Ashack, IBVM
Wheaton, IL
Sr. Jonathon
Anawim Arts
Spiritual Direction
Elizabeth Carey, IBVM
"Abide in me in time and eternity."
Phoenix, AZ
Sr. Xavier
Mary Carton, IBVM
"This Love is Forever."
Carol Stream, IL
US Leadership Team
Johanna Centala, IBVM
"My God and my all."
Germantown, WI
Arlene Connelly, IBVM
"Lord, you know that I love you."
Northlake, IL
Sr. Alma
Lorraine Crawford, IBVM
"My grace is enough for you."
Chicago, IL
Betty Crotty, IBVM
"Here I am, Lord, I come to do Your will."
Northlake, IL
Sr. Claret
US Archives
Frances DeMott, IBVM
"I come to do Your will."
Chicago, IL
Sr. Frances Cabrini
Dympna Doran, IBVM
"Oh Lord, I am not worthy."
Phoenix, AZ
Sr. de Sales
Brenda Eagan, IBVM
"Here I am Lord."
Naperville, IL
Anne Fitzsimons, IBVM
"Not my will, but Thine be done."
Prescott, AZ
Sr. John
Spiritual Direction
Kay Foley, IBVM
"The one who has sent me has not left me alone."
Western Springs, IL
Sr. James Kathryn
Casa San Carlo Liaison
Laverne Fullem, IBVM
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God."
Phoenix, AZ
Mary Thomas Fullem, IBVM
"Thy will be done, Lord."
Phoenix, AZ
Lorna Hays, IBVM
"In weakness, strength."
Northlake, IL
C-CATODSW Social Worker
Spiritual Direction - 12 Step
Anne Hyzy, IBVM
"Through Him, with Him and in Him."
Chicago, IL
Spiritual Direction
Judy Illig, IBVM
"The one who believes in me lives."
Carol Stream, IL
Sr. Mary Brideen
US Leadership Team
Nancy Kennelly, IBVM
"Full joy in the unity of Love."
Chicago, IL
Sr. Saint Edward
Cindy Langlois, IBVM
"Cherish God's vocation in you."
Northlake, IL
US Archives
Frances McCarron, IBVM
"Be still and know that I am God."
Chicago, IL
Sr. Fancis Xavier
JPIC Council
Evelyn McCloskey, IBVM
"Lord, I am not worthy."
Chicago, IL
Yolanda Mendoza, IBVM
"With God all things are possible."
Phoenix, AZ
High School Chaplain
Mary Howard Moriarty, IBVM
"Behold, in all that comes, it is I."
Chicago, IL
Barb Nelson, IBVM
“I to my Beloved, my Beloved to me.”
Carol Stream, IL
Sr. Joanne
Jean Okroi, IBVM
Chicago, IL
Sr. Mary Richard
Human Trafficking
Spiritual Direction
Therese O'Sullivan, IBVM
"Let my soul glory in the Lord."
Oak Forest, IL
Sr. Helene
Christa Parra, IBVM
"God is love."
El Paso, TX
Immigration Ministry
Raphael Quinn, IBVM
"Where charity and love prevail, there is God."
Phoenix, AZ
Terri Stafford, IBVM
"Those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall soar on angels wings."
Prescott, AZ
Julie Stapleton, IBVM
"Here, I am Lord."
Naperville, IL
Sr. Mary Julie
Resurrection Life Ctr. Liaison
Connie Steffen, IBVM
"Set your heart on the kingdom."
Western Springs, IL
Sr. Louis
Assistant Treasurer
Helen Timothy, IBVM
Naperville, IL
US Leadership Team
Claire Vandborg, IBVM
"Sing a New Song Unto the Lord."
Northlake, IL