Julie Stapleton, IBVM
"Here, I am Lord."
Naperville, IL
Resurrection Life Ctr. Liaison
My entrance day was September 8, 1959 at Wheaton, Illinois. My group was the first to have the opportunity to earn a degree before being sent out to minister. My ministry began as a teacher. I taught at our schools in the Chicagoland area. My specialty became Early Childhood Education. There is nothing like being in a classroom with three and four year olds who are full of energy and so ready to please their teachers. Retirement came for me 6 years ago when we closed our Loretto Preschool on the grounds of our beautiful Loretto Convent at Wheaton, IL. Within that year, I expanded my Parish Ministry of Care to visiting retirement homes where I led the retirees in the day's readings from scripture and distributed the Eucharist to them. When parishioners were confined to home recuperation, I would visit them at their home. At this time, my ministry is at a standstill because of COVID restrictions. Five of our sisters reside at an assisted living center. We talk on the phone these days of COVID, visit occasionally outdoors through their windows and drop off things they tell me they need.
There is nothing like a daily walk around the neighborhood. I like birdwatching and nature study programs. Decorating the interior of our house with hanging fabric, pictures, flowers, seasonal items is a rewarding pastime for me as holidays and feastdays are celebrated. Playing Scrabble on my i-phone or on a game board is fun to do. Last August I began a free course on Spanish on-line though our library. I hope to learn and practice modern calligraphy through watching u-tube instructors. Each Wednesday, my bookclub meets via Google-Duo. There are eight of us ladies. We are currently reading "Julian's Gospel" by Veronica Mary Rolf. Wednesday evenings from Sept.--May, I take a Bible class that meets via Zoom for two hours. I'm in my last year of this four year program. It enables the learner to grow academically, socially and spiritually.