Mary Howard Moriarty, IBVM
"Behold, in all that comes, it is I."
Chicago, IL
Taught in Elementary Schools for 46 years. Principal for 2 years. Vocation Awareness for IBVM in Canada and USA for 5 years. Sabbatical in San Antonio, Texas, for Hispanic Ministry and later for ESL Certification in Riverside, California at UC. Moved to Mary Ward Center in Chicago, IL in 2001 to teach ESL, Basic Computer Skills and Preparation for Citizenship or Residency Interview. This ministry continued for 19 years and now, am ending 1 year as an Independent Resident at Mercy Circle in Chicago, IL.
My interests include getting together with friends for lunch or dinner, a movie or shopping, reading, solving crossword puzzles walking, playing cards, visiting by phone with former students and family. Lately, my newest interest has been to practice English conversation, by phone with recent students, since visiting or teaching hasn't been possible since Covid-19.