Anne Hyzy, IBVM
"Through Him, with Him and in Him."
Chicago, IL
Spiritual Direction
Mary Ward asked us to choose ministries that address "the needs of the time." My first ministry as an IBVM was teaching children in our IBVM schools. My desire was to nurture in children a love for reading the printed word. A love for the teaching of reading led me to develop a program for adults who never learned to read. These dear people taught me more than any college class I attended. Another needed ministry was Early childhood education. Mothers entering the job world looked for safe places for their children. The Spirit led me to develop Loretto Early Childhood Center for three and four year olds. My love for children's literature and early childhood development were factors that drew me to this ministry. Another need of the time, led American Bishops in the 1990's, to invite religious in the US to help the religious in Eastern Europe to recover after the many years of Communist domination. After sharing the Bishops' request with our leadership at the time I, I was given the opportunity to go to Slovakia and teach English. I feel truly blessed to have connected with our dear CJ women in Slovakia. When I returned from Slovakia I was asked to continue directing the Loretto Conference Center at our province house. I recall recognizing the need for seniors finding a place to gather and continue their desire for spiritual growth. At the same time parishes were searching for locations for parishioners to experience retreats and presentations on the spiritual life. A request for Spiritual Direction became apparent and I had the opportunity to attend a program for Spiritual Directors. At the time, I didn't realize that my work sat the Loretto Conference Center prepared me for initiating an Adult Faith Formation Program at a local parish. At the time I was introduced to a marvelous document "Our Hearts Were Burning Within". It became my master plan. The document stated that all of God's people, the laity included, participate in the Church's mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to the world. I have been blessed with my IBVM vocation, the spirit of Mary Ward, and our Ignatian tradition throughout my sixty years in religious life! I end my ministry story with the words of one of our newly written Constitutions 2.1: Mission is the heart of who we are, and love is the driving force that urges us on.
My interests include a love for music, art and dance! The Internet gives me many opportunities to watch and listen to classical music and ballet. I also enjoy singing in choirs. Decorating, creating cards, arranging flowers, drawing and painting are some of my hobbies. I also appreciate the beauty of our dear God's creation: watching sunrises and sunsets, walking in the woods,using the gift of my senses and "Finding God in all things"!