Mary Thomas Fullem, IBVM
"Thy will be done, Lord."
Phoenix, AZ
Born in Chicago in 1933, the youngest of six with only one wonderful brother. Our lives changed radically because of the Great Depression, banks closing, jobs lost. Our father dropped dead on the street downtown. It was my 8th birthday and he was only fifty-one. I was born Dorothy, but I am proud to carry his name, Thomas, throughout my religious life. Our family is most grateful to the IBVM's for allowing all five girls to attend Loretto High School by working assigned jobs at lunch and after school. Our vocation is rooted in that school at that time especially because of the older retired Sisters we interacted with. I entered the Wheaton Loretto Convent on Sept. 8,1951. We spent two yrs. in training there and also our canonical year at Loretto Abbey in Toronto. My first assignment was St. Bernard in Chicago from 1954-1959. I also taught at St. Cyril, Chicago, from 1959-1964. These were inner city schools with large classes. Poor areas but very rewarding work. It was an opportunity to reach out and sacrifice in so many ways and receive so much more! In 1964 I came to beautiful Phoenix, St. Gregory School, where I completed 42 years of teaching Grade 1 in the same classroom. Many marvel at this record! I retired in 2006 from St. Gregory. My earlier 10 years in Chicago were also in Grade One. In 2007 Sr. Raphael invited us to Sts Simon Jude School to assist where needed. I spent 4 years there. and 7 years in the Faith Formation primary sacramental program. I finally retired in 2017 at age 85. Total teaching ministry is 63 yrs.
Quiet prayer, sew, nature lover, crochet, walk, read, swim, Word Search, relaxing music