Kay Foley, IBVM
"The one who has sent me has not left me alone."
Western Springs, IL
Casa San Carlo Liaison
My three favorite ministries were in the field of math education, liturgical music and pastoral ministry. Within the archdiocese of Chicago, I taught grades 5-8 in our parishes schools and grades 9-12 in a secondary school owned and operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph. One night a week I was also a math instructor at a local community college. In the field of music, I played the guitar and sang in parishes churches, a shopping mall, and my favorite at O'Hare Airport in the Chapel of Our Lady of Loretto. IBVM Community liturgical celebrations were always my top priority so with our Loretto musicians and choir we made uplifting and hopeful music. Following teaching, i was invited to be the US IBVM Director of Development. My main responsibilities were "to make friends and raise funds." That was very interesting, fun and growthful. During that time, I served on the US Provincial Council as consultor for six years and found most self becoming Province Leader for the coming seven years. Since leaving the Leadership teams, I have ministered at Mary Ward Center as a mentor in English as a Second Language, in my parish as a member of the Resurrection Choir and in religious education with adults having special needs. Presently, I am the liaison for our Sisters living at Casa San Carlo who are in independent living but need some assistance.
Besides playing the guitar, I enjoy reading, movies, computer games and having fun with my friends. Many of them are IBVMs and many are former IBVMs. My family has given me delightful little grand nieces and nephews whom I love dearly. I'm looking forward to being with them and playing with them after the COVID 19 disappears.