Mary Carton, IBVM
"This Love is Forever."
Carol Stream, IL
US Leadership Team
I have taught in Catholic and state schools for 47 years with a brief, and wonderful, 2 year break for formation. In addition to teaching age 8 to 15 year olds general subjects and math, I have been involved in various ministries. These include reconciliation ministries, liturgy, faith formation, funerals, teacher training, food pantry work, and a variety of volunteer activities. Currently I am on our leadership team. I was on the new Constitutions committee from 2005 to 2009 and loved that opportunity. I pray that with Union, which I think is a wonderful next step, these Constitutions will not be lost.
I have always loved math - problem solving and puzzles as well as helping others to see the beauty in math. I also love writing and currently am responsible for the Region's newsletter. I play guitar a bit, sketch and crochet very simple things. Right now I am enjoying life in Carol Stream with 2 other avid card players. I love Zoom with my family (mostly living 2000 miles away in California.) I am interested in meeting sisters from all over the world as we become one family of Mary Ward.