Hidden Treasures in the IBVM Archives
One of the fascinating parts of working with archives is discovering treasures from the past. Most recently we have been inventorying all of the pictures that have accumulated here over the decades. The treasure we found is a picture of the very first chapel on the Wheaton property. In 1946, when the Wheaton property was purchased, the only occupied building was the House of the Seven Gables. It was occupied by sisters who were in their initial stage of training and probation, plus two sisters who directed them.
The House is very large, but still it was taxed by all of the novices and sisters living there. Plus, it needed a chapel. One large bedroom on the second floor, at the top of the stairs, was converted into the Chapel of the Holy Rosary (picture shown here). One young woman in the first year of training and probation (a postulant) is shown praying during Exposition of the Eucharist.